I have just finished a busy weekend. Went to pick up my Mom ~400km up North East and ~400km back, and sending her off for Hajj at Kelana Jaya Hajj Complex.
Today I was dead tired, but unable to get any sleep due to the fact that I slept early the night before and woke up quite late in the morning.
And in about 40 minutes I will have to be at work, on night shift for 9 hours.
My web development client has been pressuring me, and on Thursday I will be on flight to Langkawi for the company trip. With so many events they planned for the trip I imagine that I will not be able to get so much rest after all.
Tonight at midnight will be our 3rd year anniversary and I have nothing prepared. Hopefully I can manage to go to a good dinner tomorrow night for our anniversary.
Still dead tired, hopefully I will get through the night without any problems and get back home at 7.30am. Usually that’s not possible as there were so many things to finish at work.
A close friend of mine said that when she feels tired and out of sleep, she’ll say to herself that she’ll have lots of time to rest/sleep when she retires. I said to her: what if the reaper comes and takes you before you retires? Oh well that’s so “chicken and egg“.
Oh well, at least I have a nice job. I have to learn to be thankful for that 🙂