Old Blog No More

As I have explained in the previous post Domain Change I decided to move on and let the domain romantika.name expire. Today, I found out a new WordPress blog has been erected using that domain, with technical topics as its focus.

Some even cross over with my old topics such as exporting blogger to WordPress and building a collapsible plugin. This gives the impression as if the site is owned by me especially since my old WordPress plugins are still pointing over to romantika.name as they are outdated in the plugin repository.

I need to tell everyone that romantika.name is no longer owned by me, and anything that is written there is certainly not mine. I am not responsible for anything that is published there.

Please be aware.

Domain Change

Since I haven’t had a lot of time to write for the last few years, I have decided to let the domain romantika.name to expire at the end of this month. From my experience with domains, someone will buy the domain and squat there with some ads. Especially a domain that has been around for 15 years!

   Domain Name: ROMANTIKA.NAME
   Created On: 2004-12-29T08:00:57Z
   Expires On: 2020-12-29T08:00:57Z
   Updated On: 2019-12-27T05:51:05Z

For now, I have enabled redirection so that all links to the old domain will redirect to this one.

Here is the nginx config to achieve this.

    server_name www.romantika.name romantika.name;
    rewrite ^\/v2(\/?.*) https://blog.adyromantika.com$1 last;
    rewrite ^(.*) https://blog.adyromantika.com$1 permanent;

As for WordPress, it’s pretty easy using WP-CLI:

wp db export backup.sql
wp search-replace 'https://www.romantika.name' 'https://blog.adyromantika.com'
wp search-replace 'https://romantika.name' 'https://blog.adyromantika.com'

I have also transferred all of the domains I own to Cloudflare and saved more than 50%.

Let’s hope 2021 will be a better year for all of us.

MyBlogLog: Where Have I Been?

I am a little embarrassed to admit that I have neglected MyBlogLog for quite some time that I never noticed that it has been bought by Yahoo!.

I did wonder on how some people get very nice MyBlogLog widgets and today I decided to check it out. I was asked to link my account to Yahoo! when I tried to log into MyBlogLog. And as you can see I have activated the new widget.

It turns out Yahoo! decided to leave the old widget codes alone and it has worked all these while 🙂

Old Vs New:

p/s – no offense to Onyx Design I was not trying to delete you but when I captured the screen I had my mouse hovered on top of your icon and too lazy to re-capture.

WordPress 2.5.1

I was really reluctant to upgrade my WordPress version because I have so many custom plugins to create many widgets. I was just afraid that they might break and I have to spend a lot of time to repair them. My colleague Shahrulazlan has been trying to get me to upgrade my installation for a while now

However today after a few hours of learning Linux HA I need some WordPress to ease my mind.

Upgrading this blog on my development copy is a breeze. I have to admit I had to upload 3 times because of some MAC encoding problems. For some reason after checking in the files to subversion and doing an export, the files are all encoded in MAC encoding. And the result was catastrophic.

The final result is beautiful. I really love the new UI and features such as permalink editing while in write mode, and version checking for plugins. I have yet to test the auto-update feature, though.

No regrets. If you are still using 2.2 or 2.3 series do consider an upgrade. You’re missing a lot.

This upgrade also provide an opportunity for me to test my plugins. I am happy to announce that they both work well on 2.5.1.