This is an unexpected news but comprehensible indeed for PPP. For me this is a very good news for bloggers as Perfomancing is generally a very good idea for Internet Marketing strategy. The official news can be read here.
According to PPP, by the acquisition they now gained a number of powerful blogger support tools such as Performancing Metrics, the free blog analytic service, and Performancing Exchange, the online “classifieds” for bloggers.
The PPP brand, however will not be used for two of Performancing assets – the Firefox blog editor and Performancing Partner Ads technology. According to PPP these two assets will be migrated to a new brand. Lets just wait and see.
Performancing Metrics is a service for bloggers to track visitor stats, with built-in AdSense auditing. The platform is now in beta and currently reports blog visitors, blog comments, ad clickthroughs, and a few other features.
Performancing Exchange is an online marketplace for companies, blog sites and others wishing to employ professional bloggers.
These FREE tools will surely enhance PPPs offering to bloggers and I would not understand why any blogger passionate about writing not joining PPP. I am amazed on the marketing strategy by them, and from the looks of it PPP will stay in the Internet community longer than what some people anticipated.
As for me, I am taking a personal strategy of my own – not too fast, and not too slow. Until I get my payments from PPP I will just take it slow, one step at a time. It’s a good idea to make money from blogging, without effecting the integrity of the things you write in your blog.
This post is sponsored by PPP, who else? 😉