PayPal in Bahasa Melayu

I recently received an email from PayPal announcing that they now support additional languages. One of them is my native tongue, Bahasa Melayu.

However when I clicked on the Malaysia flag it directs me to the same page as Bahasa Indonesia. Although many part of the Internet has already acknowledged and are well aware that these two languages are different, I am a tad surprised that PayPal is not one of them 🙂



3 thoughts on “PayPal in Bahasa Melayu”

  1. It’s not two different language.

    There’s English(UK) and English(US). Also there’s English(International) etc.

    Indonesian constitution have it mentioned that the National Languange for the Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia is Bahasa Melayu Riau, which is also exactly the same as Bahasa Melayu Johor, which is also known as “Cakap KL”, which is also spoken in all ex Sultanate of Malacca territory (Johor/Melaka/Pahang/Selangor/Central & South Perak/Negeri Sembilan/Riau/Lingga/Bintan).

    Get used to it. 😀

    Jangan marah bang ya.

    1. They ARE two different things. I don’t know whether you speak like this at home.

      When I click the Malaysian flag I expect to see the language we speak everyday. My only point was that why the “Tim Paypal” expect Malaysians to understand that language, it’s not right.

      I wrote nothing about the National Language of Indonesia, so it’s really not related to the Indonesian constitution (not that I care about it). 🙂

      Perhaps you had a hard time understanding what I said, or spend really little time on the Internet. It’s okay.

  2. Oh yes, BTW the language you see in the screenshot is defined in id_ID locale while our language is ms_MY.

    American English is defined as en_US and British English is defined as en_GB.

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