Connect To Me Via LinkedIn

There’s a new service in town: LinkedIn

It’s a connection building site, more or less the purpose is like those of Ringo or Friendster but targeted to the professional community. It have a paid option where you can see more business information about other people in the community. The site looks professional and the system works really well.

If you ask me, this is a very good opportunity for you to get linked to others and find out if anyone is interested in your expertise. I does not matter if you’re still a student – the system supports it too. Maybe you’ll be able to secure a job after graduation, or even find a place to do your industrial training. As for me, well if there are opportunities to work abroad or remotely I would certainly be interested 😉

Connect to me now: Drop me an invitation using my email ady [at] romantika [dot] name

This is not a paid post, and I will not gain anything from this except for valuable networking and contacts.


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