This interesting signboard was found on top of Gunung Mat Chincang after the 2.2km ride on the famous Langkawi Cable Car. Honestly I was terrified of the cable car ride, especially when the wind blows strongly while we were dangling in the middle of the air, inside the 80% clear gondola.

The thing actually swerves just like a boat when wind hit it, or people inside make big movements. The difference is that you don’t see anything except clear air between the bottom of the “boat” and the surface of the earth!
Nevertheless, the experience was precious and there’s 1% chance that I would go up there again. The ride costs RM25.00 per person, but MyKad carriers will enjoy a RM10.00 discount. I am not sure whether that’s the default or a promotion during year-end school holidays.
Just remember not to bring a kid shorter than 100cm as that is the minimum height required to be allowed to go up the cable car ride.